Playhouse Paris is a wonderful place to practice and improve your craft. Tracy is an amazing teacher. She creates a very safe place to experiment in. It’s a real pleasure to come to class. The group is very kind. Everyone is very positive and united. You focus on truthfulness and it feels great! I know that every exercise taught me something very relevant. It’s extremely fun and interesting. It’s a whole different approach to acting, I’ve never seen anything better. The more you do it, the more you want to continue. I would definitely recommend Tracy teaching the Meisner technique to any actor who wants to improve himself.
Lola Aubrière
The Playhouse Paris is a place where you can experience safely how to go deeper in your acting. Thanks to this method: the Meisner Method. Lots of people have heard about it… but very few people are able to teach it in his pure and faithful way, Tracy and Mark Pellegrino are one of those who are definitely able to, you can see that in the first moment you start to learn from them. It’s an ongoing work, and you have to be committed in everyday, but when you just touch from the tips of your finger what it is, the freedom that its provide is so powerful! And addictive! You just want more! This experience allows me to be more free, but particularly also to act with my guts and not with my head… I just love this school and for me it’s just the beginning! Can’t wait to pursue my journey in the bosom of this awesome “Meisner family”.
Emma Chaïbedra
Cela fait trois ans que je travaille régulièrement avec Tracy et Mark Pellegrino. J’ai découvert avec eux quantité d’outils relatifs à ce que l’on appelle la « méthode Meisner ». Bien plus nombreux que le seul exercice de la répétition (trop souvent très mal enseigné), ces différents outils ont été une révélation dans ma formation d’actrice. Leur accompagnement dans l’appropriation de ces outils est d’une grande qualité : une exigence bienveillante, un regard juste et des conseils enrichissants pour approfondir chaque fois plus mon jeu. Le tout dans le respect de ma singularité. Mettre à jour sa vulnérabilité et développer sa suggestivité sont des étapes fondamentales dans toute formation d’acteur. Encore faut-il qu’elles aient lieu dans un environnement sain et sécurisant. C’est le cas à Playhouse Paris. Meisner a changé ma vie d’actrice mais aussi ma vie tout court. Je ne peux que recommander de découvrir cette méthode aux côtés de Tracy et de Mark.
Pascaline Schwab
I highly recommend the school Playhouse Paris. Tracy and Mark Pellegrino are incredible teachers and artists. You get to learn the real Meisner technique from two experts who originally taught at Playhouse West Los Angeles. You will focus on depth of emotion and on “doing”, and consequently will become a better, more truthful and honest actor in an international environment.
Angela Pellino
I have been working for a few years now with Tracy and I can feel how her lessons help me to find and consolidate my own and very personal approach to acting and thus to feel real joy in doing it. In addition, I notice how the Meisner exercises also shape me outside of acting: It is as if I were more attentive (to me and to others) and a little more open to going through life. In Playhouse Paris I see a very special and safe place where artists can develop and exchange ideas in a pleasant working atmosphere. I’m glad that I’ve found this place where I know that I can trust.
Nora Seiwerth

I am so grateful I found this coaching program. I am so grateful for Tracy and Mark’s work and advice. Because, in order to give the best of yourself as an actor, in order to grow and let go of what holds you back, you need a safe environment. That is primordial. And that’s what Tracy is offering you. In Paris, I have always found it very difficult to find a good acting school or even a good coach, especially in English. I think you have a lot of people trying to take advantage of young actors like I am. I experienced it and I think acting techniques that are not mastered by those teaching them can sometimes be dangerous for the actors, emotionally speaking. That is why I cannot recommend this coaching program enough. Tracy is exigeant and attentive and you will see yourself make great progress. It is not magic, is it work. But if you are ready to give yourself to it, you will not regret it
Silène Gerschel
When I decided to change my job and to start to learn the craft of Acting, I had the chance to discover the Meisner-Technique taught by Tracy in Paris. Two trimesters and several private coachings later, I’m more than grateful that I got myself on this journey. The Meisner-Technique is very powerful and allows to get rid of “playing out ideas” and enforces instead a truthful, organic, and genuine behavior on the scene. Tracy is an excellent teacher: she is extremely precise, gives accurate advice, depending on the student) and has very helpful insights while guiding each student on stage. I absolutely trust her judgment and her teaching abilities and I can definitely see the results. The teachings not only help you grow majorly as an actor but also amplify your personal growth as you’re obliged to work on yourself and possible personal blockages. I’m really grateful that I had the chance to meet Tracy and I absolutely recommend her and the Meisner-Technique !!! Merci beaucoup !!!
Rita Schuele
Working with Tracy Pellegrino at Playhouse Paris Meisner has truly been a gift and a landmark in my personal acting path, and has given me the best tools for me to navigate and explore my craft in a truthful way. Tracy is incredibly accurate in seeing and has been the only one to get me out of my head and into the living moment onstage. I have worked with her through Paris Playhouse in group work and privately for auditions and preparing for roles, and I’ve brought in other actors (non-Meisner) for scene work for a project and they have come back to her again for help with other roles or accent work. She’s the best! I can truly recommend her to any actors whether they are interested in learning the true Meisner techniques from a bonafide Meisner teacher at Playhouse Paris, or simply preparing for a role or audition to work with her privately. Playhouse Paris has become in its own organic form, a safe space and community of actors to work learn, and grow alongside and with each other. She is as dedicated to her students in their truth and growth as actors and she is dedicated to the true Meisner technique in which she uses to help them. THANK YOU!
Veronica Alvarado Kraemer
After having explored different acting techniques, it was with Meisner that I’ve discovered truthfulness, spontaneity and real joy of acting. I studied and used sensory and emotional memory and while it is a great tool for some work, I sometimes found I was focused too much on myself instead of being fully present and allowing what’s around me to really affect me. Meisner technique really shows how it is possible to get out of your head, not play an idea and makes acting so much more alive and real and fascinating to watch. Using it has made me discover some unexpected things about myself both as an actor and as a person which inspires me to continue exploring it. Working with Tracy Pellegrino both in a group and individually has helped me realize the importance of every step of the technique and find the tools to create a clear process that I now can use to approach any acting work. Tracy is a coach who is passionate about teaching and making her students grow. She sees and pinpoints individual strengths and challenges of every actor’s work and gives precise guidance which is incredibly precious. Working with her has helped me tremendously to grow as an actor.
Vera Zubatova